Artistic Statement

Artist Statement

Art is philosophy made physical. Art investigates the world, defining and stating how the world should, can, or does exist. I work to create wonder and delight using play to open opportunities for discovery. This opens my eyes to delight in the world’s beauty. I revel in imaginative exploration. The world offers vast opportunities. I delight in detecting subtle linkages.

The object constructions assemble bits of the world. These are transformed through isolating them from the mailstorm of objects and bits surrounding us constantly. These constructions tend to be categorized as textural and gestural objects. They are isolated to display and select them, holding the pieces and objects as precious bits on display. The plaque forms become conversations between the bits. These begin to suggest narrative or architectonic options.

Drawings are for possible objects, and markers. I am playing with scale and color. I am imagining statements of place and personality. An imagining of celebrations, personal and social, these suggest objects becoming a point of memory in the future. These objects and suggestions of objects imply stories told by generations following now. These imply musings to create warrens of stories for all the children following from now into the future.

The some drawings are made on an iPad, using a drawing program and an Apple Stylus pencil. They are printed using archival inkjet printing onto 18” x 13” professional artist paper. I make only ten prints of each drawing. Some drawings are watercolors and ink on paper. These are often intimate objects, handheld, and shared by a few in very personal spaces.